Spy Pen For Kids - Keep a Secret Hidden For Life

Enter your text here...A spy pen is a pen that has been specifically designed to carry a small digital camera and recorder. You can use your spy pen to secretly take photographs without the subject knowing. The pen operates using the USB connection, which is designed to automatically charge the unit using its own power supply.

This tiny little gadget can be carried in your pocket or worn on a belt. It can discreetly record any secret messages or photos stored on your cell phone. The spy gear set comes with a software program that is capable of collecting data from the camera. You can activate the device from a computer or directly from the Pocket Pen itself. The data will then be sent to your e-mail address or directly on to your computer.

The spy pen camera is similar to a pen camera but does not have the flash or light source that is present when the latter is used. The gadget operates by having the file transferred to the computer through your USB cable connection. When you are ready to capture a secret message, you simply need to place the spy pen inside the receiver's USB port and point the camera at it. The photo or message will then be automatically recorded onto your hard drive or directly on to your screen.

There are numerous uses for this magical invisible ink pen such as secret message recording, secret message decryption and photo imaging. The ink can also be used for writing texts on led glow pads, calculators or any other surface that has ink jet capabilities. In this way, you can easily record audio messages by rubbing the invisible ink against the speaker's connector jack. In fact, you can even use the pen as a type of audio recorder that takes sound digitally. The recorded voice can then be played back at your leisure.

A Spy Pen for kids is perfect for kids who love to write. You can give them one of these colorful pens and let them practice their writing skills using it. They will enjoy tracing their favorite cartoon characters, animals or letters. If you want to teach your kids about the values of honesty and trust, you can give them one of these pens that come in an innocent white color. They will also be able to show their greatest heroes' names.

For parents who want their kids to learn the value of honesty, their kids can write down their secret messages on this pen and pass them on to their teacher. When the teacher sees the message, she can then make her own copy using the original black and white ink and pass it to her student as a fun activity. Since your kid writes with invisible ink using her finger, you will not be able to see the ink. However, when you look at the written message on the pen, you will get to know how she is feeling and what is going through her mind.

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